
Here are some old applications, documents and games I made that are no longer maintained and/or promoted. They have been kept for archiving purposes.

Data URI Encoder

Data URI Encoder is a Javascript app who allows to convert in a rapid and simple way images and texts in Base64 URI encoded form.

Youtube and Web Video Downloader

A program designed to download videos from Youtube and other websites in a simple way.

More or less game

A simple more or less game in Javascript with an user interface designed with the help of the library Jquery UI.

Modèle d'interface d'application

A pack with a template destined to create a user interface for a web app. It is easily customizable. It is used notably in my apps Javascript HQX and Data URI Encoder.

La boîte à STI2D

The soundbox of a certain STI2D terminal class (french).

Document: the sentences and philosophical discussions of Gardevoir, an IRC speaking bot

This document presents the sentences and discussions with others users of Gardevoir the bot. A tutorial on how to create its own IRC speaking bot is also available in this document.

Strategy tutorials for Pokémon

Some strategy tutorials for the video games Pokémon (6th and 7th gen).

My drawings and photomontages

Click on the button(s) below to see my drawings and photomontages.