Application interface template

Application interface template

Online demo
Downloads : 924

Date of the last download: 3/11/25 at 4:39:54 AM GMT+1

Presentation in the form of tabs


Application interface template is a pack with a template destined to create a user interface for a web app. It is easily customizable. It is used notably in my apps Javascript HQX and Data URI Encoder.


Others informations:

Auteur : Eliastik
Licence : GNU LGPLv3
Version actuelle : 1.1 (15/08/2016)
Date de création : 2015
Langages de programmation : HTML, CSS, Javascript
Name of the downloadable file (size of the file):
  • Modèle d'interface d'application (914,80 Ko)
Hashes of the downloadable file:
