More or less game

More or less game

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Downloads : 1 437

Date of the last download: 3/11/25 at 4:43:24 AM GMT+1

Presentation in the form of tabs


A simple more or less game in Javascript with an user interface designed with the help of the library Jquery UI. Contains some extras like a background music, a background image and a sound effect (who can be customized).


Others informations:

Author: Eliastik
License: GNU GPLv3
Current version: 2.0.2 (17/08/2016)
Creation date: 2014
Programming languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Language(s): French
Name of the downloadable file (size of the file):
  • Jeu du plus et du moins (4,46 Mo)
Hashes of the downloadable file:
