Youtube and Web Video Downloader

Youtube and Web Video Downloader

Downloads : 1 514

Date of the last download: 3/9/25 at 9:50:47 AM GMT+1

Presentation in the form of tabs


This program is designed to download Youtube videos and videos from others websites (like Dailymotion, Soundcloud, etc) easily. To download a video, you have just to enter its URL then to choose the conversion format (or to let the default format). Then the program will download the video, and will save this video in the same folder. He recognize many types of URL: http, https, ftp, rtp, mms and rtsp.

This program works with the help of VLC Media Player. So it's necessary to download and install it. If VLC is not installed, the program will detect it and will propose to download and install it automatically for you. This program can also update automatically VLC to the latest version.

An update module is also available. It allow you to update the program at any time automatically.

This program works only on Windows, for the moment.

Screenshots: 4

Others informations:

Author: Eliastik
License: GNU GPLv3
Current version: 1.1.1 (15/05/2017)
Creation date: 16/10/2016
Programming languages: Batch
Credit (icon): Icon by Vectors Market on
Language(s): French
Name of the downloadable file (size of the file):
  • (1,64 Mo)
Hashes of the downloadable file:
