Labyrinth Marathon

Labyrinth Marathon

Github repository

Source code 931
Windows (32 bits) 862
Windows (64 bits) 835
Linux (deb, 64 bits) 866
Linux (rpm, 64 bits) 842
Executable JAR 848

Date of the last download: 3/26/25 at 10:41:43 PM GMT+1

Presentation in the form of tabs


A labyrinth game written with several generation algorithms and more. Two game modes are available: marathon mode and labyrinth mode. In marathon mode, several levels come together becoming more and more difficult. The labyrinth mode only launches one level.

Screenshots: 10

Others informations:

Author: Eliastik
License: GNU GPLv3
Current version: 1.0 (02/12/2019)
Creation date: 2019
Programming languages: Java/JavaFX
Language(s): French, English
Names of the downloadable files (sizes of the files):
  • Source code : Labyrinth Marathon - Version (1,22 Mo)
  • Windows (32 bits) : labyrinth-marathon-1.1.x86.exe
  • Windows (64 bits) : labyrinth-marathon-1.1.x86_64.exe
  • Linux (deb, 64 bits) : labyrinth-marathon-1.1.x86_64.deb
  • Linux (rpm, 64 bits) : labyrinth-marathon-1.0.x86_64.rpm
  • Executable JAR : labyrinth-marathon-1.1.jar (606,13 Ko)
Hashes of the downloadable files:
