Document: 32 creepypastas - horrific stories from Internet

Document: 32 creepypastas - horrific stories from Internet

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What is a Creepypasta ?

A creepypasta is an invented story destined to scare. A creepypasta is often associated with disturbing image(s) or video(s). The majority of the creepypastas are false stories. These stories abound on the web, where they spread through the technique of copy-pasting (the word creepypasta come from the word copypaste, by replacing “copy” by “creepy”).

What present this document ?

This document presents a series of 32 creepypastas selected by me with a link to their multimedia files (image, video, sound). This files aren't included by default in this document. If you want to see them, you have to click on the proposed link. A link to their sources is available for each creepypasta.

Others informations:

Author: Eliastik
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Latest modification: 25/08/2017
Creation date: 25/08/2017
Credit (icon): Icon by Freepik on
Language(s): French
Names of the downloadable files (sizes of the files):
  • PDF version : 32 creepypastas - histoires horrifiques venant d’Internet - by Eliastik.pdf (1,04 Mo)
  • ODT version : 32 creepypastas - histoires horrifiques venant d’Internet - by Eliastik.odt (112,14 Ko)
Hashes of the downloadable files:
